The phenomenon of investors paying for the privilege of lending money to some eurozone governments reflects markets 'concern that the region could be facing a Japan-style lost decade of economic stagnation. 投资者愿意掏钱购买向某些欧元区政府借钱的特权,反映出市场担心欧元区可能面临一场日本那样的失去的十年式经济停滞。
Along with the global warming, the nations worldwide are paying deep concern over the development of low carbon economy. 生活小百科网:随着全球气候变暖,世界各国都在高度关注低碳经济的发展。
Our little corner shop is no longer a paying concern, ie is no longer profitable. 我们这个街头小店已赚不到钱了。
Ideological and Political Education Paying Attention To Humanistic Concern 走向人文关怀的思想政治教育
The parents is paying attention to the shape of the school with the grievous enthusiasm: They do to learn the quality to the school very warmhearted and concern; 家长们正在以极大的热情关注着学校的发展:他们对学校的办学质量十分热心和关心;
In globalization era, the mankind, while pursuing material progress and spiritual civilization, paying attention to the concern about the political civilization further, in the words of Engels, the country is a generalization of a civilized society. 在全球化时代,人类在追求物质文明和精神文明的同时,更加注重对政治文明的关注,用恩格斯的话说,国家是文明社会的概括。
Paying attention to the cultural rights 、 providing cultural services and constructing a nationwide public cultural service system have been being received wild concern by our government and society. 重视公民文化权利,提供文化服务,建立覆盖全社会的公共文化服务体系受到了党和国家的高度关注。
Paying attention to life and death is the primary concern in human life. 对生与死的关注,是人生的首要问题。
The government is paying close attention to this social problem, and it has become an important concern of the social science. 不仅受到政府的重点关注,而且也成为社会科学界关注和研究的重要社会问题,其学术成果也很丰富。
Compared with the traditional production method in chemical way, microbial production of succinic acid by fermentation has a lot of advantages and huge potential. Many research institutes all over the world are paying great concern on its progress. 相比于传统的化学生产法,微生物发酵法生产琥珀酸具有无可比拟的优点和潜力,引起了国内外众多研究机构的高度关注。